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Request Password Reset

Need assistance? Send email to
or optionally you may send a message via messenger to - "Ian Botabara Cervantes"


An innovation of Student Services Office through Ian Cervantes for the benefit of AUP Students, Student Services Office, Registrar, JLDM Library, Dormitories, Public Safety and Security and other departments who needs an accurate information about AUP student and who are looking forward to improve the current process for a better service.

Contact Us

Adventist University of the Philippines
Student Services Office
PutingKahoy, Silang, Cavite 4118
Tel. # (63)(49)541-1211 Locals, 238

System Administrator
Tel. # (63)(49)541-1211 Locals, 227
Mobile: +639336467573

Terms and Conditions

By clicking the register button, you are affixing your electronic signature to the terms and conditions stipulated herein of using myauplifebook.

You are therefore expected to observe the following conditions and etiquettes.

  • You will only register an account for yourself.
  • You will not in anyway access, alter or modify others account.
  • You will respect others information privacy and account security.
  • Falsification of your profile information is a very serious infraction that would lead to disciplinary action.

Instructions for New Student & Reminder for Returning Students

Please follow the following instructions for your Online Pre-Registration Process

  1. You must have an active and accessible email that belongs to you.
  2. Upon acceptance at the Records and Admissions Office, you were automatically created and account in myauplifebook.
    • Check your email.
    • There should be an email from that contains your username and password.
    • If unfortunately you were not added yet, click this link to sign up.
    • Just fillout the form with correct information about yourself.
  3. Log in to your account and you should be able to see your pre-registration status in the dashboard.
  4. Make sure that all the status of all the items are with a check.
  5. If not, please follow the instructions on the colummn on what to do and where to go
  6. If everything is OK, click the proceed button. By doing that, you should be able to process your profile update.
  7. On the profile update, read the instructions and click the agree and accept button.
  8. Please fill out the profile update form completely with the correct information.
  9. Click the Submit Profile button below.
  10. On the next page, reveiw all the informations. If there are incorrect ones,
    please click the Edit Profile button. then you should be redirected to the profile update form.
    • Click again the Submit Profile button below.
    • You should be back to the review profile page.
  11. Click the Finalize Profile button. You should be able to download your profile form needed by the
    Student Services Center for residence approval together with the Registration Guide and Course Line up Sheet.
  12. If you have difficulty following these procedures, please go to the ITSS Section of JLDM Library.
    Our Student Assistants are ready to help you :)
  13. Just follow the steps in your printed Registration Guide Sheet to complete your enrollment process.

Pr 18:13 He who answers before listening-- that is his folly and his shame. (NIV)